Fun Things To Do With Your Friends on a Road Trip

Making memories with friends and family is always exciting. One of the ways to make memories is by taking a road trip together with your close friends. You can do so many fun things with your friends on a road trip.

A road trip does not have to be plain or boring – you just have to plan for the road trip and stay curious. Here are some tips for a fun and memorable road trip.

Fun Things To Do With Your Friends on a Road Trip

Redwood National Forest. Copyright: Freedom Not Fate

Fun things do on a road trip with friends – Listen to a Podcast

You can never get bored when listening to an interesting podcast with your friends. Nowadays, you can find podcasts that talk about any topic you and your friends may be interested in; you need to search.

While listening to the podcast, discuss some emerging issues and controversies. It will make the whole trip enjoyable.

Have a Great Playlist for a fun road trip with your friends!

Photo by Anton Murygin on Unsplash

What is a road trip without a well out playlist? Music is necessary because it will uplift your moods and ensure you get entertained throughout the journey. Ensure that you consider that all your friends have different music tastes.

Discuss with them before curating a playlist to ensure that everyone’s genre is incorporated into the playlist. There is also an option of alternating playlists after some time instead of having one long playlist.

Most of my friends and I enjoy playing broadway and pop songs along the road! We also love to sing along which is always a fun time.

Driving around with friends is a blessing. You can customize the Custom Keychains for your friends who have a car, which can be attached to the car keys, the roof of the car or the backpack, and so on.

Imagine you are sitting in the car together, listening to music, singing songs, encountering beautiful scenery, and even taking a photo together, what a happy moment it will be!

Listen to an Audiobook

Do you and your friends love books? It would help if you then considered using audiobooks during the journey. Ensure that it is an exciting book that you have all agreed to listen to; it is essential to include everyone when deciding.

During the listening sessions, discuss any emerging issues; it is an exciting way to have meaningful discussions. My friends and I are all huge nerds so we usually pop on a Star Wars audiobook or something to do with history when we’re traveling.

Pro-tip: for music, podcasts and audio books you should have everything downloaded! There’s a lot of stretches of road (anywhere you go!) that don’t have cellular connection. And if you’re overseas, you may or may not have internet due to not wanting to shell out for a mobile hotspot.

Do Regular Stopovers and Take Pictures

picture stop during a Maine road trip!

It would help if you did regular stopovers when taking road trips because it is part of making memories and it’s one of my favorite things to do while road tripping.

Be spontaneous and pull over at some of the view areas! During the stopovers, make sure you take pictures of the area, your friends and also take the time to enjoy the views.

Take Frequent Breaks Within the Trip

posing with the car by a cool rest stop! This was during a cross country trip with a friend.

You need to take extended breaks between trips, especially if your long journey is long. The driver needs to rest, and the rest of the group also need to stretch a bit.

Take the opportunity to eat some snacks, hydrate, interact with the locals, and play driving games or other exciting group activities. You have to make sure that you make it memorable; the memories must be worthwhile.

Catch Up

Adulting can be exhausting, and it may prevent you from meeting up with your close family and friends. A road trip should be your chance to catch up with your friends. Interact with them and open up to each other. It may be the only time you see each other in a long time.

Try Out Camping

Do something out of the ordinary while on a road trip. For example, you probably sleep in a bed on most days, now try to camp for a night. Sleep in a tent, experience how it feels like sleeping in a tent out in the dark. It is a fantastic experience, and you will probably have a wonderful time.

Try Out Different Restaurants and Foods

Trying food with my friend in Prague

Try out different restaurants and cuisines. You can always google food joints near you. When buying snacks, try and buy snacks you have never heard of before. Be curious and adventurous throughout the whole trip.

Summary – Fun things to do on a road trip with your friends

Try making the most out of your road trip by taking up some of these activities with your friends. I’ve done road trips with my friends in Mexico, Jordan, Iceland, several cross country ones in the US as well as driving NYC-Maine and Los Angeles to Washington state.

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