The Ultimate Guide to Moving Abroad in Your Thirties
Contemplating a move abroad in your thirties can seem daunting, but living with regret is likely harder.
Time waits for no man, and as you age, you realize no truer words have ever been said. It is never too late to pursue your passion, and if that means moving overseas – then there is no time like the present.
Moving abroad after 30 will perfectly position you for starting the next chapter in your life. Whether that chapter includes children, pets, a spouse, or none of the above is immaterial – the point is for this decision to start you on a journey of living life to the fullest.
Below are a few handy tips, tricks, and reasons to help you navigate the next few weeks or months before your move.
How to Move Abroad in Your Thirties: The Visa Process
Moving countries is not as simple as boxing your belongings and booking a flight.
Different countries have varying entry requirements – particularly if you intend to live there indefinitely as a digital nomad. The good news is that because you are reading this article, you should be early enough to start the application process with no hiccups.
Once you begin the application process, do not be surprised if it takes up to a year (or more) to be accepted. The timeline for your application to be processed depends on the host nation – some countries are faster at this than others. Not all countries have a digital nomad visa either. Some you may need to apply for a regular job and get sponsored.
Do in-depth research on the visa process for the country you are interested in moving to and pick the one that best applies to your situation.
How to Move Abroad in Your Thirties: Finding Housing
Finding housing can be a challenge – especially when you cannot physically view each place.
Start by researching how to find apartments, condos, or houses in your destination country.
You must familiarize yourself with the documents required to rent or buy a home there and if you need to hire a lawyer, etc. In some countries, like Italy where I bought a house, Americans are legally allowed to buy but Canadians can’t.
For some people, it is better to secure a place before they arrive, while others prefer to get there and stay in a short-term rental first and then look for permanent accommodation second.
Moving overseas can make it feel like your life is nothing but planning and checklists.
With everything that needs to be done and accounted for, it can be easy to forget vital things like insurance.
Make travel health insurance a priority and give yourself peace of mind during your trip.
Accidents and illnesses in a new country can result in significant medical bills – those are the last things you want when you move abroad!
How to Move Abroad in Your Thirties: Pets
As you know, moving abroad is a big decision requiring a lot of forethought and planning. Making an international move with pets can be stressful for humans and furry friends.
If you do your research and plan the move with your pet’s best interests at heart, it will make it easier for all involved.
Moving pets abroad takes time, and you must follow all the regulations, paperwork and laws of the new host country. All country’s requirements are different, and some countries do not allow specific breeds of dogs or exotic animals as pets.
Your four-legged friend is counting on you to safely get them to your new home – so ensure you have everything covered.
How to Move Abroad in Your Thirties: Taxes
The prospect of moving to a new country is exciting, but it does come with crucial financial considerations – especially regarding taxes.
Your move will require careful tax planning to navigate and optimize this next chapter in your life. Inform the IRS or relevant tax authority about your impending move and give them your new address once you have one.
That will ensure that you still receive vital tax documents and notices. Explore tax exclusion policies that allow eligible taxpayers to exclude some of their foreign-earned income from U.S. taxation, especially if you will be a long-term resident in a foreign country.
How to Move Abroad in Your Thirties: Mental Health Matters
The next few weeks and months of your life will be action-packed, but always remember to slow things down as soon as you feel overwhelmed.
An international move is not for the faint-hearted, and even though it comes with a list of responsibilities, they are all manageable with enough planning. The crucial thing to know is that the more you prepare yourself for, the fewer surprises you will encounter along the way.
Culture and Language
Relocating to a new country will feel intimidating at times, and understanding the new culture will take time.
Once you arrive, join an expat community to make the transition easier. You will also receive valuable advice from people who have already been through what you are going through.
There are multiple online resources such as social media groups, where you can find and make local ex-pat friends.
It’s worth exploring the online world for guidance on which places are best to move to. Travel blog sites like Cullen Fischel are also helpful for learning about specific states and cities in America for example.
How to Move Abroad in Your Thirties: Summary
Take a long, deep breath – hold it – now exhale slowly.
You can do this though! You just need to follow this helpful guide, and you will soon be well on your way to figuring everything out!